Engineering - Front End Developer 1

What it’s like to be Front-End Developer 1

In this role, you will build software that utilizes technologies such as Javascript, React and Angular. Specifically, you, along with your team, will be developing our customer portal system, our client side interfaces, and client side libraries that act as a front end for our search API. There are an abundance of challenges, from building user interfaces for robust data configuration, to reporting visualizations, to internal tools that help every other employee in the company get the job done.

As a developer, you spend the first few minutes of the day, reviewing your inbox, asana tasks, outstanding code reviews to make sure you’re not blocking anyone on your team.

You build code. When you are stuck, or needing to bounce ideas off another, you drag over a colleague to show off what you built and get feedback and input. You are eager to accept feedback and improve your design of the code. You demo to the product owner and deploy into production. You do some documentation and write some more tests. You have a discussion about tech choices. You get stuck on something and ask for help. You design something new and pull people up to the whiteboard to get to the bottom of it.

You find an issue you don’t know how to fix and you research intensely, amassing information from tens of sources collating information and learning about the problem domain to ultimately make a decision about direction. You show your decision to a trusted team member.

Why you might like it

You are eager to try and learn new things. You want to build using the latest tech stack. You enjoy creating software with a team of peers.

Why we might like you

You enjoy working with others and helping mentor developers at all skill levels. You are a strong communicator who takes the time to interact with people across different disciplines. You have a keen sense of community and are always looking for new ways to expand the work of others.

Skills that are important to this role

language javascript coding linux browser apis front end css html ui design patterns testing browser dev tools
IDE (1 of) ide intellij ide rider ide vim ide visual studio code
UI Framework (1 of) ui framework angular ui framework ember ui framework marko ui framework mithril ui framework react native ui framework react ui framework vue
CSS Framework (1 of) css framework bootstrap css framework tailwind

Engineering - Base skills

git github kanban regex research encoding

Base skills

human empathy communication community builder recruiter slack asana miro 1password security computers calendar google drive expense tracking remote work