Sales - Sales Engineer

What it’s like to be a Sales Engineer

The primary goal of a sales engineer is to ensure the success of the technical side of the sale. Working along side an account executive together you will figure out the strategy to win each deal. During presentations and customer meetings you will be responsible for answering technical questions and giving demos that are tailored to the customer pulling from your knowledge of our 1,800+ customer base. When not presenting to customers you will be responsible for building custom demonstrations for high net worth prospects, tackling and managing RFPs and security questionnaires. When not doing either of those, you are thinking about how to improve our presales process, and building technical relationsips with your prospects. Every conversation you have is a story, conveying your expertise about the problem, a solution to the problem, that ends in value to the customer.

Why you might like it

Sales Engineering blends a myriad of technical and sales skills together and generally stretches the technical ability of a sales focused engineer, or the sales skills of a technical sales engineer. In this role you’ll be presenting multiple times a day to a wide range of roles and personality types. You’ll meet, present to and talk with a wide array of people from engineers to CEO’s of fortune 500 companies as well as dealing with product and document data from many verticals within the ecommerce landscape. You’ll experience the rush of closing large deals and the financial rewards that come with that and you’ll travel all over the US to meet customers in person.

Why you might not like it

The sales engineer role is a rollercoaster both emotionally and with regard to deal flow. There are incredibly busy periods during the quarter where you will be expected to work long hours to ensure POCs and presentations are ready as well as days where you’ll have many presentations crammed in to the work day. There will also be periods during the quarter with very little to do and these times are where you should sharpen your skills and prepare for the next avalanche of deals. You’ll spend long hours creating beautiful document responses to RFPs or a custom demo on a deal that you may then lose.

Why we might like you

You’re a high energy individual with a technical background and are unflappable in the face of adversity and challenge. You can talk articulately and clearly, conveying meaning about technical concepts to non-technical people. You enjoy coding and presenting, explaining, and showing value as you do.

Skills that are important to this role

presenting presentations rfp creation poc creation documentation coding front end customer empathy github meetings research language javascript
UI Framework (1 of) ui framework angular ui framework ember ui framework marko ui framework mithril ui framework react native ui framework react ui framework vue
IDE (1 of) ide intellij ide rider ide vim ide visual studio code
CSS Framework (1 of) css framework bootstrap css framework tailwind
Design Tool (1 of) design tool adobe xd design tool balsamiq design tool figma design tool sketch

Base skills

human empathy communication community builder recruiter slack asana miro 1password security computers calendar google drive expense tracking remote work